How Incorporating Other Types of Exercise Benefits Your Yoga Practice
There can be some tension in the yoga community around whether yoga is the only form of exercise you need or not. Some yogis share that yoga is the only type of exercise they do, which can create some shame around doing other types of workouts. One of the first studios I went to really pushed the idea that all you need is yoga. I think this is great for individuals who find it best suits them and their bodies but you shouldn’t feel discouraged from doing other forms of exercise. There is no “holier than thou” in yoga. One person is not a “better” yogi for only practicing yoga. In fact, other forms of exercise can complement your yoga practice, allowing you to build strength and endurance that can take your practice to the next level.
#yogaeverydamnday is more than physical postures
I believe that we should all do whatever type of exercise feels good in our bodies, makes us feel strong and provides the outlet we need to clear our minds. I love the #yogaeverydamnday movement and that it encourages deeper self-connection, mindfulness and movement. However, people may believe that this movement, started by Yoga Girl Rachel Brathen, is only focused on the asana or the physical postures of yoga. #yogaeverydamnday is really a movement that focuses on each of the eight limbs of yoga:
- Yama: ethical standards/integrity
- Niyama: self-discipline
- Asana: the physical practice of yoga/the yoga postures
- Pranayama: breath control/breathing exercises
- Pratyahara: sensory transcendence/withdrawing our focus from the outside world and turning our attention inward
- Dharana: concentration/slowing down our thinking and focusing on one mental object such as the breath, a mantra or an intention
- Dhyana: meditation
- Samadhi: the final stage of profound connection to the Divine/enlightenment
You can see that yoga is about much more than the physical practice and postures. #yogaeverydamnday can seem intimidating but it does not mean that you have to go to a one hour vinyasa class each day. You can simply take some restorative postures at home, practice self-discipline, do breathing exercises, mediate and much more. You can practice #yogaeverydamnday just by being kind to yourself and those around you and don’t even have to step onto a yoga mat. But I highly recommend that you give the physical practice of yoga a try. 😉
Incorporating other types of workouts
You can take a kickboxing class, go for a run or take time to sit in silence and still be a yogi! Adding in strength training, cardio or other types of fitness allows us to utilize and strengthen different muscles that aren’t used often in yoga. Incorporating weight lifting can be extremely beneficial to develop the strength needed for postures such as arm balances like forearm stand and standing balancing postures like dancer pose. Core and abdominal strength is key to mastering inversions such as headstand and handstand. If an ab workout is calling your name, do it to it! Cardio training gives us greater endurance, which is needed during a long, power vinyasa class. You can enjoy a run, go for a bike ride or try out a Yoga Sculpt class that incorporates weights with bursts of cardio. You can also mix it up and incorporate boutique fitness classes such a cycling, barre or kickboxing. If you’re in a time crunch or don’t have much equipment or space, try out an exercise video online! There are tons of free workout videos on YouTube from yoga and barre to HIIT and kickboxing. Many of these workouts require little space and equipment! I loved doing this short kickboxing workout while I was on vacation and didn’t have any equipment – it’s fun and you work up a sweat in no time so you can get back on the beach with a drink in your hand. One of my favorite ways to get my body moving is to just get outside. Immerse yourself in nature and go for a hike, take a stroll around your neighborhood while listening to a podcast or go canoeing or paddle boarding. Spending time in nature is great for reducing stress and connecting to the world around you.
What other workouts I enjoy at the moment
To state the obvious, I really love yoga as you may know if you read about how I embarked on my yoga journey here. I have a physical practice about six days a week, which can be anything from going to an hour long hot yoga class or spending fifteen minutes taking slow restorative postures and stretching. Cardio and I are not like peanut butter and jelly to say the least. I have never really enjoyed running, so I don’t make myself do it. It’s pretty simple — if I don’t enjoy it, I don’t do it. Sometimes if I’m craving the outdoors, I go for a short run but that’s pretty rare. My best friends run marathons and I think it’s amazing but when I do cardio I prefer to ride my bike! A few months ago I began incorporating some weight training into my routine but the high impact began to irritate a back injury I got in high school so I scaled back. Right now, I’m really enjoying classes at Pure Barre. The classes are low impact but high intensity and I seriously feel the burn each class. I’ve noticed that my core has gotten a lot stronger and consequentially my inversions like handstands are getting stronger too! I also love to hike or go for walks. Strolling along the harbor in Baltimore is super relaxing. I love to listen to a podcast after a long day and go for a long walk.
When it comes down to it, I encourage you to listen to your body. Find a workout that makes you feel strong, try new forms of exercise for fun and take a yoga class! I promise every type of athlete can benefit from the practice and I’m not biased at all. 😉 Whether you love hiking, running, boxing or yoga, I always encourage you to honor your body and pay attention to what makes you feel good. Be gentle with yourself, take rest days and maybe even try to incorporate some of the other limbs of yoga into your life to reduce stress and still your mind. Lastly, always make your health a priority and love yourself by making time to move your body.
What are your favorite ways to workout? Do you practice yoga and enjoy certain workouts to complement your practice? Let me know in the comments below!